wellness in schools

We are well-equipped to serve the students and staff in a variety of capacities.


Individual Counseling for Students

We are excited to be able to bring our mental health expertise and experience into school districts at no cost to them, and at no cost to district taxpayers. This allows us to be able to meet with clients (students) in their school on a scheduled basis.

We utilize the client's insurance company for billing and the school gives us a private area to meet (all meetings are at the discretion of the student as well as the parent/guardian). 

Student Groups

Coordinating with administrative teams, we provide in-school group opportunities for students. Based on need or circumstance, these can be either self or school recommended.


Professional Development for Staff

We work with administrative teams to provide professional development training options to district staff. This consulting option helps districts meet their requirements of mental health training as well as specific substance use training.

Staff Mental Health & Wellness

We work with schools to offer programs and groups for staff that go beyond professional development trainings. These programs and groups can be tailored to the school’s specific needs, goals, and budget…offering therapeutic-based options.


"The district's partnership with Collaborative Wellness continues to grow, strengthen and educate our school community about the importance of social emotional wellness. Collaborative Wellness works with us to support our school community through education, insight and creating programs unique to our districts to support mental, emotional and social health. "

- Dr. Jay R.Jones (Omro Superintendent)

Collaborative Wellness is currently in the following school districts:

CESA 6 - Amity School and New Horizons School

Fond du Lac School District

Green Lake School District​

School District of Omro

Ripon Area School District

Waupun School District​

Winneconne Community School District


Contact us for learn more about integrating any of our Wellness programs (individual/group counseling, professional development consulting, staff mental health & wellness programs) into your school district.